Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dear Emily !!

Accoutered with feelings I write to you,
Dear Emily !!
Nothing to actuate ....but you yourself,
And " Me " .
Who will listen to whose adjuration--
" you " or "me " ?
In my daily opus and onus,
I have adverted to you,
You rendered me you advocacy;
Yet why is it we both are without aegis?
Why crestfallen?
Cause of affliction---- we both know !
And now you abscond in darkness,
In grays and blacks----
Who do I allay, Emily? " Me " or " You " ?
Each word I utter, I know you will acquiesce to it;
You welcomed "that " with " our " affable, altruistic demeanor,
Like celebratory gunfires on Pulaski's ground;
Neglecting the history that denigrates Savannah's shore,
Gave way to that apathy;
Leading way to chicanery, to be chiseled.
Who will you appease---- " you" or " me" ?
Bemused we both are --- are not we?
Wasted was the cornucopia of love and care,
Defiled ourselves with nothing but white sand;
To whom can you deplore?
Shall I berate you? or censure?
Even the cascade has to face boulders.
Things are left to be construed;
Hold on to our credence, Emily,
The certitude of peace peeps from the mountain in smoke!!

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