Friday, June 26, 2009

Are You Still There With Me??

When have I seen u last
Can u remember?
Drowned in the depth of my memory,
I feel scared--------
Scared to get lost by swimming deep;
Will u please give me my answer?

In the day, I get courage to handle everything;
Was not it----- it was u----- who promised to stay by my side ;
Wherever u are..........
The reality drags me into busy days,
Leaving me no time to think,
My only hope and courage--------
That u are there with me;
Are not u?????????

But at night, when I close my books,
And switch off the light,
I feel scared; scared to face the dark;
For it seems to unveil the concealed dark truth------
Hidden by the bright sunlight of the day;
I stretch out my hand in the invisible air,
Remembering ur so promised words
I feel like running away,
But then again, the dark reality stops me;
I can't escape from it;
My only hope is ur promise
For a word once uttered, remains forever;
It is the power of word
On which I believe;
But the reality is too dark to ignore,
As I remain confused;
"Are U Still With Me'?????

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