Monday, July 20, 2009


The warmth of the 1st sunlight of the day touched my soul;
As I walked near the blooming rose bushes,
Covered with red buds,
And the little pink ones----- fully bloomed
Like little pink stars;
The morning breeze played with them,
Sun’s golden rays lit up the world,
The birds chirped here and there;
I stood alone at the little paradise of love
With my wounded heart----------
He broke the strings of that lyre
That once played songs for him;
That once felt it was born to be for him;
Yet he rejected those tunes, those strings;
He left it wounded-----------
With that I stood;
I was not afraid to lose anything,
For I have lost everything forever;
But the breeze pushed me towards the roses;
It played over my shoulders,
As the warm sunlight gave its healing touch;
At the corner I noticed the little clitoria----
She had twined round a single pole of bamboo.
Weak though she was,
She bore a blue blossom;
I ran to my green friends,
Touching the velvet soft petals around thorns;
I sensed the rhythm of the breeze, sunlight and the chirping birds;
The spark of my smile
On my pale face made the tune complete;
I found a new rhythm-------
As the dawn paved way to the brighter day,
I looked forward to the new strings
To get revealed,
To complete the whole tune;
I started looking forward to a new day----------

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