Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Behind the grey clouds the sun smiled happily
As the curtain of water covered the earth;
Immersed in your love I led myself in the rain;
As the trees swung along with the breeze;
My curls played freely over my shoulders,
Throwing my arms wide open,
I sent my message through the birds that flew;
My 1st rain…….. I wanted to feel with you;
Magical moments passed by;
As I danced in your arms in the rain;
I felt your presence in my every step;
My heart felt your love;
Your presence slowly cooled, the burning desire in me to be with you;
Just like the rin that cooled down the earth;
Those moments…….. I could see none but you;
You and me… amd our 1st rain;
A moment to be cherished forever;
Happiness….. So deep yet for such a short time;
All gone as I opened my eyes;
Only it was me alone-------
The magical rain rain reflected your image in my eyes;
The abstract presence the whole time;
Yet it was my 1st rain with you;
It would have been the same the either ways;
You are always in my heart;
You will be forever;