Sunday, February 14, 2010


The cocoon of girlhood gave way to the newly released butterfly;
A maiden I was , colors statled my eyes;
The blue sky, the green leaves and the purple horizon in front of me;
Confused , surprised, in experienced-----
I let the butterfly drift along the wind's way;
Till the pangs of adolescence,
Pain of chasing the mirage,
Left me stranded on the island of loneliness;
The colors of love that had once startled the dreamlike eyes
Lost their glow----
Never know you would come to me,
Then----- like a star in the dark universe;
Love revealed its real colors to me----
Its hues of patience, care and to submit;
The courage it gave me to leave everything for you;
This butterfly needs to fly a long way,
Till she glitters with the glow of your enchanting love,
For now I have realized love in its nature true,
You are my angel, my best friend, my life;
" Je t'aime " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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